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Felicia Dorothea Hemans (Фелиция Доротея Хеманз) Lines Written for the Album at Rosanna A beautiful place in the county of Wicklow, formerly the abode of the authoress of “Psyche.” O, LIGHTLY tread through these deep chestnut bowers, Where a sweet spirit once in beauty moved! And touch with reverent hand these leaves and flowers,— Fair things, which well a gentle heart hath loved! A gentle heart, of love and grief the abode, Whence the bright stream of song in tear-drops flowed. And bid its memory sanctify the scene! And let the ideal presence of the dead Float round, and touch the woods with softer green, And o’er the streams a charm, like moonlight, shed, Through the soul’s depths in holy silence felt,— A spell to raise, to chasten, and to melt! Felicia Dorothea Hemans's other poems:
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