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Thomas Carew (Томас Кэрью (Кэри))

The Primrose

Ask me why I send you here
The firstling of the infant year;
Ask me why I send to you
This primrose all bepearled with dew:
I straight will whisper in your ears,
The sweets of love are washed with tears.
Ask me why this flower doth show
So yellow, green, and sickly too;
Ask me why the stalk is weak
And bending, yet it doth not break:
I must tell you, these discover
What doubts and fears are in a lover. 

Thomas Carew's other poems:
  1. Epitaph for Maria Wentworth
  2. Murdering Beauty
  3. Secrecy Protested
  4. A Divine Mistress
  5. Another

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Caroline Southey (Кэролайн Саути) The Primrose ("I saw it in my evening walk")

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