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Anna Seward (Анна Сьюард)

Sonnet 55. Loud blew the North thro' April's pallid days

               IN THE YEAR 1785.

Loud blew the North thro' April's pallid days,
    Nor grass the field, nor leaves the grove obtains,
    Nor crystal sun-beams, nor the gilded rains,
    That bless the hours of promise, gently raise
Warmth in the blood, without that fiery blaze,
    Which makes it boil along the throbbing veins.—
    Albion, displeas'd, her own lov'd Spring surveys
    Passing, with volant step, o'er russet plains;
Sees her to Summer's fierce embraces speed,
    Pale, and unrobed.—Faithless! thou well may'st hide
    Close in his sultry breast thy recreant head,
That did'st, neglecting thy distinguish'd Isle,
    In Winter's icy arms so long abide,
    While Britain vainly languish'd for thy smile!

Anna Seward's other poems:
  1. Sonnet 15. The evening shines in May's luxuriant pride
  2. Sonnet 45. From Possibility's dim chaos sprung
  3. Sonnet 48. Now young-ey'd Spring, on gentle breezes borne
  4. Sonnet 13. Thou child of Night, and Silence, balmy Sleep
  5. Sonnet 53. The knell of Whitehead tolls!—his cares are past

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