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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

James Stephens (Джеймс Стивенс)

The Turn of the Road

I was playing with my hoop along the road
Just where the bushes are, when, suddenly,
There came a shout, -- I ran away and stowed
Myself beneath a bush, and watched to see
What made the noise, and then, around the bend,
I saw a woman running. She was old
And wrinkle-faced, and had big teeth. -- The end
Of her red shawl caught on a bush and rolled
Right off her, and her hair fell down. Her face
Was awful white, and both her eyes looked sick,
And she was talking queer. 'O God of Grace!'
Said she, 'where is the child?' and flew back quick           
The way she came, and screamed, and shook her hands;
. . . Maybe she was a witch from foreign lands. 

James Stephens's other poems:
  1. The Fifteen Acres
  2. Westland Row
  3. The Glass of Beer
  4. Hate
  5. The Snare

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