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Margaret Junkin Preston (Маргарет Джанкин Престон)


  A Sonnet

Thank God for such a Hero!--Fearless hold
  His diamond character beneath the sun,
  And brighter scintillations, one by one,
Come flashing from it. Never knight of old
Wore on serener brow, so calm, yet bold,
  Diviner courage: never martyr knew
  Trust more sublime,--nor patriot, zeal more true,--
Nor saint, self-abnegation of a mould
  Touched with profounder beauty. All the rare,
Clear, starry points of light, that gave his soul
  Such lambent lustre, owned but one sole aim,--
  Not for himself, nor yet his country's fame,
These glories shone: he kept the clustered whole
  A jewel for the crown that Christ shall wear!

Margaret Junkin Preston's other poems:
  1. Acceptation
  2. Hymn to the National Flag
  3. Gone Forward
  4. The Shade of the Trees
  5. When the War Is Over

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