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Capel Lofft (Кейпел Лоффт)

Love's Likeness

"Just like love the balmy rose:"
For ah their sweets have many a thorn;
And tempests chase their early morn;
Serenely calm each rarely glows.
But when enchanting music flows
Then pure and full delight is born,
And anxious care and woe forlorn
Are lull'd into divine repose!—
Just like love blest music breathes:
But with her bliss no pang enwreaths.—
Like love, ere death, or fear, or pain
Invaded those primæval bowers
Where the first parents hail'd the reign
Of harmony mid angel-powers.

Capel Lofft's other poems:
  1. The Sports of the Field
  2. To Coleridge
  3. The Ring
  4. To the Sea
  5. Troston Hall

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