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Henry Alford (Генри Элфорд)


ON thy green marge, thou vale of Avalon,
Not for that thou art crowned with ancient towers
And shafts and clustered pillars many an one,
Love I to dream away the sunny hours;
Not for that here in charméd slumber lie
The holy relics of that British king
Who was the flower of knightly chivalry,
Do I stand blest past power of uttering;—
But for that on thy cowslip-sprinkled sod
Alit of old the olive-bearing bird,
Meek messenger of purchased peace with God;
And the first hymns that Britain ever heard
Arose, the low preluding melodies
To the sweetest anthem that hath reached the skies.

Henry Alford's other poems:
  1. Wymeswold, April, 1837
  2. Summit of Skiddaw, July 7, 1838
  3. Descent of the Same
  4. 1846
  5. Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, July, 1836

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