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John Imlah (Джон Имла)

The Rose of Seaton Vale

A BONNIE Rose bloomed wild and fair,
  As sweet a bud, I trow,
As ever breathed the morning air,
  Or drank the evening dew.
A Zephyr loved the blushing flower,
  With sigh and fond love-tale;
It wooed within its briery bower
  The Rose of Seaton Vale.

With wakening kiss the Zephyr pressed
  This bud at morning light;
At noon it fanned its glowing breast,
  And nestled there at night.
But other flowers sprung up thereby,
  And lured the roving gale;
The Zephyr left to droop and die
  The Rose of Seaton Vale.

A matchless maiden dwelt by Don,
  Loved by as fair a youth;
Long had their young hearts throbbed as one
  Wi’ tenderness and truth.
Thy warmest tear, soft Pity, pour,—
  For Ellen’s type and tale
Are in that sweet, ill-fated flower,
  The Rose of Seaton Vale.

John Imlah's other poems:
  1. There Lives a Young Lassie
  2. O, Gin I Were Where Gadie Rins!

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