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Henry Vaughan (Генри Воэн)


False life, a foil and no more, when
Wilt thou be gone?
Thou foul deception of all men
That would not have the true come on.

Thou art a moon-like toil, a blind
Self-posing state,
A dark contest of waves and wind,
A mere tempestuous debate.

Life is a fixed, discerning light,
A knowing joy;
No chance or fit, but ever bright
And calm and full, yet doth not cloy.

'Tis such a blissful thing that still
Doth vivify
And shine and smile and hath the skill
To please without eternity.

Thou art a toilsome mole, or less;
A moving mist;
But life is what none can express:
A quickness which my God hath kissed. 

Henry Vaughan's other poems:
  1. Joy of My Life While Left Me Here!
  2. The Timber
  3. The True Christians
  4. The Relapse
  5. Silence and Stealth of Days!

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