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Charles Gray (Чарльз Грей)

Maggie Lauder

These stanzas are an appropriate addition to the well-known song of “Maggie Lauder,” composed by Francis Semple, about 1660.

THE CANTIE Spring scarce reared her head,
  And Winter yet did blaud her,
When the Ranter came to Anster Fair,
  And speired for Maggie Lauder;
A snug wee house in the East Green
  Its shelter kindly lent her;
Wi’ canty ingle, clean hearthstane,
  Meg welcomed Rob the Ranter!

Then Rob made bonnie Meg his bride,
  And to the kirk they ranted;
He played the auld “East Nook o’ Fife,”
  And merry Maggie vaunted
That Hab himsel’ ne’er played a spring,
  Nor blew sae weel his chanter,
For he made Anster town to ring,—
  And wha ’s like Rob the Ranter?

For a’ the talk and loud reports
  That ever gaed against her,
Meg proves a true and carefu’ wife,
  As ever was in Anster;
And since the marriage-knot was tied,
  Rob swears he couldna want her;
For he loves Maggie as his life,
  And Meg loves Rob the Ranter.

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