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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Capel Lofft (Кейпел Лоффт)

To the Sea

Written on the Beach at Aldborough

THOU awful sea! upon this shingly beach
Of Aldborough I pace: my gazing eye
Thy world of waters lost in the dim sky
Admiring, and thy echoing waves, that teach,
In voice of thunder, more than tongue can preach;
The knell of ages past and passing by;
And claim their ancient empire o’er the dry
And solid earth; each animating each.
Of towns long sunk, o’er which thy wild waves roar,
Of sea to land, of land to ocean turned,
I muse: and mourn, that who could amplest pour
Homeric tones on thy resounding shore
Porson is dead!—that sea of Grecian lore
Unbounded, in the abyss of fate inurned.

Capel Lofft's other poems:
  1. The Sports of the Field
  2. To Coleridge
  3. Love's Likeness
  4. The Ring
  5. Troston Hall

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