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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Madison Julius Cawein (Мэдисон Джулиус Кавейн)


This is the tomboy month of all the year,
March, who comes shouting o'er the winter hills,
Waking the world with laughter, as she wills,
Or wild halloos, a windflower in her ear.
She stops a moment by the half-thawed mere
And whistles to the wind, and straightway shrills
The hyla's song, and hoods of daffodils
Crowd golden round her, leaning their heads to hear.
Then through the woods, that drip with all their eaves,
Her mad hair blown about her, loud she goes
Singing and calling to the naked trees;
And straight the oilets of the little leaves
Open their eyes in wonder, rows on rows,
And the first bluebird bugles to the breeze.

Madison Julius Cawein's other poems:
  1. A Song for Yule
  2. The Raid
  3. Clearing
  4. Dithyrambics
  5. High on a Hill

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Edward Thomas (Эдвард Томас) March ("Now I know that Spring will come again")
  • William Morris (Уильям Моррис) March ("Slayer of the winter, art thou here again?")
  • Thomas Tusser (Томас Тассер) March ("In March sow thy barley, thy land not too cold")
  • William Bryant (Уильям Брайант) March ("The stormy March is come at last")
  • Isabella Crawford (Изабелла Кроуфорд) March ("Shall Thor with his hammer")
  • John Payne (Джон Пейн) March ("MARCH comes at last, the labouring lands to free")
  • William Williams (Уильям Уильямс) March ("Winter is long in this climate")

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