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Robert Tannahill (Роберт Таннахилл)

Song (When I the dreary mountains pass'd)

When I the dreary mountains pass'd,
     ⁠My ain kind dearie, O,
I thought on thee, my bonnie lass,
⁠     Although I was na near thee, O.
My heart within me was right sad,
⁠     When others they were cheerie, O,
They little kent I thought on thee.
⁠     My ain kind dearie, O!

But now an I ha'e won till Ayr,
⁠     Although I'm gae an' wearie, O,
I'll tak' a glass into my han',
⁠     And drink to you, my dearie, O.
Cheer up your heart, my bonnie lass,
     ⁠And see you dinna wearie, O;
In twice three ooks, gin I be spared,
⁠     I'se come again, and see thee, O.

⁠And row thee up, and row thee down.
⁠     And row thee till I wearie, O,
⁠And row thee o'er the lea rig,
⁠     My ain kind dearie, O! 

Robert Tannahill's other poems:
  1. Our Bonny Scots Lads
  2. The Lass o’ Arranteenie
  3. Craigie Lea
  4. Song (The evening sun's gaen down the west)
  5. Through Crockston Castle’s Lanely Wa’s

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