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Marjorie Lowry Christie Pickthall (Марджори Пиктхолл)

The Sea Witch

ENDLESSLY fell her chestnut flowers, 
Faint snow throughout the honeyed dark; 
The myrtle spread his boughs to drink 
Deep draughts of salt from the sea's brink, 
And like a moon-dial swung her tower's 
Straight shadow o'er her warded park.

From her calm coasts the galleons fled, 
The fisher steered him further west, 
No port was hailed, no keel came home 
Across that pale, enchanted foam, 
But by her roof the thrushes fed 
And wandering swallows found their rest. 

The shadows touched her tenderly, 
The red beam lingered on her dress; 
The white gull and the osprey knew 
Her tower across the leagues of blue. 
The wild swan when he sought the sea 
Was laggard through her loveliness.

Marjorie Lowry Christie Pickthall's other poems:
  1. The Hillmans Lass
  2. Fame
  3. Adam and Eve
  4. Duna
  5. Sheep

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