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Marjorie Lowry Christie Pickthall (Марджори Пиктхолл)

Daisy Time

See, the grass is full of stars,
     Fallen in their brightness;
Hearts they have of shining gold,
     Rays of shining whiteness.

Buttercups have honeyed hearts,
     Bees they love the clover,
But I love the daisies' dance
     All the meadow over.

Blow, O blow, you happy winds,
     Singing summer's praises,
Up the field and down the field
     A-dancing with the daisies.

Marjorie Lowry Christie Pickthall's other poems:
  1. The Hillmans Lass
  2. Fame
  3. Adam and Eve
  4. Sheep
  5. The Sea Witch

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