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Madison Julius Cawein (Мэдисон Джулиус Кавейн) Zero The gate, on ice-hoarse hinges, stiff with frost, Croaks open; and harsh wagon-wheels are heard Creaking through cold; the horses' breath is furred Around their nostrils; and with snow deep mossed The hut is barely seen, from which, uptossed, The wood-smoke pillars the icy air unstirred; And every sound, each axe-stroke and each word, Comes as through crystal, then again is lost. The sun strikes bitter on the frozen pane, And all around there is a tingling, tense As is a wire stretched upon a disc Vibrating without sound: It is the strain That Winter plays, to which each tree and fence, It seems, is strung, as 't were of ringing bisque. Madison Julius Cawein's other poems: Распечатать (To print) Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1232 |
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