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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

William Barnes (Уильям Барнс)

Third Collection. The Broken Heart

News o’ grief had overteäken
Dark-ey’d Fanny, now vorseäken;
There she zot, wi’ breast a-heavèn,
While vrom zide to zide, wi’ grievèn,
Vell her head, wi’ tears a-creepèn
Down her cheäks, in bitter weepèn.
There wer still the ribbon-bow
She tied avore her hour ov woe,
An’ there wer still the han’s that tied it
    Hangèn white,
    Or wringèn tight,
In ceäre that drown’d all ceäre bezide it.

When a man, wi’ heartless slightèn,
Mid become a maïden’s blightèn,
He mid ceärlessly vorseäke her,
But must answer to her Meäker;
He mid slight, wi’ selfish blindness,
All her deeds o’ lovèn-kindness,
God wull waïgh em wi’ the slightèn
That mid be her love’s requitèn;
He do look on each deceiver,
    He do know
    What weight o’ woe
Do breäk the heart ov ev’ry griever.

William Barnes's other poems:
  1. Second Collection. The Scud
  2. Second Collection. The Leädy’s Tower
  3. Third Collection. The Neäme Letters
  4. Third Collection. What John wer a-tellèn
  5. Third Collection. The Wheel Routs

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