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Paul Laurence Dunbar (Пол Лоренс Данбар)

The Master-Player

  An old, worn harp that had been played
  Till all its strings were loose and frayed,
  Joy, Hate, and Fear, each one essayed,
  To play. But each in turn had found
  No sweet responsiveness of sound.

  Then Love the Master-Player came
  With heaving breast and eyes aflame;
  The Harp he took all undismayed,
  Smote on its strings, still strange to song,
  And brought forth music sweet and strong.

Paul Laurence Dunbar's other poems:
  1. Ere Sleep Comes down to Soothe the Weary Eyes
  2. Accountability
  3. Unexpressed
  4. Passion and Love
  5. An Ante-Bellum Sermon

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Leigh Giltner (Ли Гилтнер) The Master-Player ("Mute was the mighty organ. None might break")

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