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Madison Julius Cawein (Мэдисон Джулиус Кавейн)

At Last

What shall be said to him,
Now he is dead?
Now that his eyes are dim,
Low lies his head?
What shall be said to him,
Now he is dead?

One word to whisper of
Low in his ear;
Sweet, but the one word "love"
Haply he'll hear.
One word to whisper of
Low in his ear.

What shall be given him,
Now he is dead?
Now that his eyes are dim,
Low lies his head?
What shall be given him,
Now he is dead?

Hope, that life long denied
Here to his heart,
Sweet, lay it now beside,
Never to part.
Hope, that life long denied
Here to his heart.

Madison Julius Cawein's other poems:
  1. Moss and Fern
  2. Communicants
  3. The Battle
  4. Enchantment
  5. A Song for Yule

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Elizabeth Siddal (Элизабет Сиддал) At Last ("O mother, open the window wide")
  • Paul Hayne (Пол Хейн) At Last ("In youth, when blood was warm and fancy high")
  • Abram Ryan (Абрам Райан) At Last ("Into a temple vast and dim")

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