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Thomas Hardy (Томас Гарди (Харди))

Exeunt Omnes


Everybody else, then, going,
And I still left where the fair was?…
Much have I seen of neighbour loungers
Making a lusty showing,
Each now past all knowing.


There is an air of blankness
In the street and the littered spaces;
Thoroughfare, steeple, bridge and highway
Wizen themselves to lankness;
Kennels dribble dankness.


Folk all fade. And whither,
As I wait alone where the fair was?
Into the clammy and numbing night-fog
Whence they entered hither.
Soon one more goes thither! 

Thomas Hardy's other poems:
  1. Often When Warring
  2. The Gap in the White
  3. Expectation and Experience
  4. Her Second Husband Hears Her Story
  5. The Voice of the Thorn

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