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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Madison Julius Cawein (Мэдисон Джулиус Кавейн)


It was down in the woodland on last Hallowe'en,
Where silence and darkness had built them a lair,
That I felt the dim presence of her, the unseen,
And heard her still step on the ghost-haunted air.

It was last Hallowe'en in the glimmer and swoon
Of mist and of moonlight that thickened and thinned,
That I saw the gray gleam of her eyes in the moon,
And hair, like a raven, blown wild in the wind.

It was last Hallowe'en where starlight and dew
Made mystical marriage on flower and leaf,
That she led me with looks of a love that I knew,
And lured with the voice of a heart-buried grief.

It was last Hallowe'en in the forest of dreams,
Where trees are eidolons and shadows have eyes,
That I saw her pale face like the foam of far streams,
And heard, like the leaf-lisp, her tears and her sighs.

It was last Hallowe'en, the haunted, the dread,
In the wind-tattered wood by the storm-twisted pine,
That I, who am living, kept tryst with the dead,
And clasped her a moment and dreamed she was mine.

Madison Julius Cawein's other poems:
  1. Dithyrambics
  2. High on a Hill
  3. The Bush-Sparrow
  4. Tramps
  5. Achievement

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Robert Burns (Роберт Бернс) Halloween ("UPON that night, when fairies light") 1785
  • George MacDonald (Джордж Макдональд) Halloween ("Sweep up the flure, Janet")
  • John Mayne (Джон Мэйн) Halloween ("OF a' the festivals we hear")
  • James McIntyre (Джеймс Макинтайр) Halloween ("A tale we'll tell of what hath been")

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