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Edward Rowland Sill (Эдвард Роулэнд Силл)

A Bird’s Song

THE shadow of a bird
On the shadow of a bough;
Sweet and clear his song is heard,
"Seek me now—I seek thee now."
The bird swings out of reach in the swaying tree,
But his shadow on the garden walk below belongs to me.

The phantom of my Love
False dreams with hope doth fill,
Softly singing far above,
"Love me still—I love thee still!"
The cruel vision hovers at my sad heart's door,
But the soul love is soaring out of reach for evermore.

Edward Rowland Sill's other poems:
  1. The Crickets in the Fields
  2. Force
  3. Among the Redwoods
  4. Appreciated
  5. A Californian’s Dreams

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