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Edward Rowland Sill (Эдвард Роулэнд Силл)


DAWN has blossomed: the sun is nigh:
Pearl and rose in the wimpled sky,
Rose and pearl on a brightening blue:
(She is true, and she is true!)

The noonday lies all warm and still
And calm, and over sleeping hill
And wheatfields fails a dreamy hue:
(If she be true— if she be true!)

The patient evening comes, most sad and fair:
Veiled are the stars: the dim and quiet air
Breathes bitter scents of hidden myrrh and rue:
(If she were true—if she were only true!)

Edward Rowland Sill's other poems:
  1. The Crickets in the Fields
  2. Appreciated
  3. Force
  4. A Californian’s Dreams
  5. Even There

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