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Christina Georgina Rossetti (Кристина Джорджина Россетти)

Three Seasons

'A cup for hope!' she said,
In springtime ere the bloom was old:
The crimson wine was poor and cold
By her mouth's richer red.

'A cup for love!' how low,
How soft the words; and all the while
Her blush was rippling with a smile
Like summer after snow.

'A cup for memory!'
Cold cup that one must drain alone:
While autumn winds are up and moan
Across the barren sea.

Hope, memory, love:
Hope for fair morn, and love for day,
And memory for the evening grey
And solitary dove. 

Christina Georgina Rossetti's other poems:
  1. Fluttered Wings
  2. Come Unto Me
  3. A Testimony
  4. I Caught a Little Ladybird
  5. A Better Ressurection

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