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Countee Cullen (Каунти Каллен)

She of the Dancing Feet Sings

And what would I do in heaven pray,
Me with my dancing feet?
And limbs like apple boughs that sway
When the gusty rain winds beat.

And how would I thrive in a perfect place
Where dancing would be a sin,
With not a man to love my face,
Nor an arm to hold me in?

The seraphs and the cherubim
Would be too proud to bend,
To sing the faery tunes that brim
My heart from end to end.

The wistful angels down in hell
Will smile to see my face,
And understand, because they fell
From that all-perfect place.

Countee Cullen's other poems:
  1. That Bright Chimeric Beast
  2. Youth Sings a Song of Rosebuds
  3. The Shroud of Color
  4. Karenge Ya Marenge
  5. To Certain Critics

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