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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Arthur William Symons (Артур Саймонс (Симонс))


Sweet, can I sing you the song of your kisses?
How soft is this one, how subtle this is,
How fluttering swift as a bird's kiss that is,
As a bird that taps at a leafy lattice;
How this one clings and how that uncloses
From bud to flower in the way of roses;
And this through laughter and that through weeping
Swims to the brim where Love lies sleeping;
And this in a pout I snatch, and capture
That in the ecstasy of rapture,
When the odorous red-rose petals part
That my lips may find their way to the heart
Of the rose of the world, your lips, my rose.
But no song knows
The way of my heart to the heart of my rose. 

Arthur William Symons's other poems:
  1. Serata Di Fiesta
  2. In The Temple
  3. By The Pool Of The Third Rosses
  4. The Abandoned
  5. At Burgos

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Samuel Coleridge (Сэмюэл Кольридж) Kisses ("Cupid, if storying legends tell aright")
  • Gerald Massey (Джеральд Масси) Kisses ("One kiss more, Sweet!")

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