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Charles Tennyson Turner (Чарльз Теннисон Тернер)

The Lattice at Sunrise

AS on my bed at dawn I mused and prayed,
  I saw my lattice pranked upon the wall,
  The flaunting leaves and flitting birds withal,—
A sunny phantom interlaced with shade:
“Thanks be to Heaven,” in happy mood I said,
  “What sweeter aid my matins could befall
Than the fair glory from the East hath made?
  What holy sleights hath God, the Lord of all,
To bid us feel and see! We are not free
  To say we see not, for the glory comes
Nightly and daily, like the flowing sea;	
  His lustre pierceth through the midnight glooms,
And, at prime hour, behold! he follows me
  With golden shadows to my secret rooms.”

Charles Tennyson Turner's other poems:
  1. On the Eclipse of the Moon of October 1865
  2. The Buoy-Bell
  3. Her First-Born
  4. The Sonneteer to the Sea-Shell
  5. The Planet and the Tree

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