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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

George MacDonald (Джордж Макдональд)


'And yet it moves!' Ah, Truth, where wert thou then
When all for thee they racked each piteous limb?
Wert thou in heaven, and busy with thy hymn
When those poor hands convulsed that held thy pen?
Art thou a phantom that deceives! men
To their undoing? or dost thou watch him
Pale, cold, and silent in his dungeon dim?
And wilt thou ever speak to him again?
'It moves, it moves! Alas, my flesh was weak!
That was a hideous dream! I'll cry aloud
How the green bulk wheels sunward day by day!
Ah me! ah me! perchance my heart was proud
That I alone should know that word to speak!
And now, sweet Truth, shine upon these, I pray.' 

George MacDonald's other poems:
  1. The Gospel Women. 16. The Woman That Was a Sinner
  2. Concerning Jesus
  3. The Gospel Women. 3. The Mother of Zebedee's Children
  4. A Memorial of Africa
  5. The Gospel Women. 7. The Woman Who Came behind Him in the Crowd

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