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Louise Chandler Moulton (Луиза Чандлер Молтон)

A Woman's Knowledge

A rose to smell a moment, then to leave,
Chance strain of song you smile at as you pass,
Bubble that breaks before you lip the glass,
Chain frail as the frail thread that spiders weave;
Oh, do not think that I myself deceive!
Thus, and not otherwise, to you am I,--
A moment's pleasure as you pass me by,
Powerless, at best, to make you joy or grieve.

And you, to me, my sun-god and my sun,
Who warmed my heart to life with careless ray!
Forever will that burning memory stay
And warm me in the grave when life is done:--
What farther grace has any woman won?
Since your chance gift you cannot take away. 

Louise Chandler Moulton's other poems:
  1. My Birthday
  2. A Summer's Growth
  3. Love Is Dead
  4. Hic Jacet
  5. After Death

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