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Louise Chandler Moulton (Луиза Чандлер Молтон)

Love's Forgiveness

I do forgive you for the pain I bear,
Though bitter pain is mingled with my bliss;
For still I think, while thrilling to your kiss,
"He found that other woman much more fair."
I read your words, and see, immortal there,
Another love--how warm it was to this!
And know that from my face you still must miss
The beauty that another used to wear.

Yet I forgive you, Dear, and bow my head
To Destiny, my master and your own,--
He sets the way wherein my feet must tread;
And if he give me nothing quite mine own,--
I know some day my heart, so sore bested,
Will rest most quietly, and turn to stone. 

Louise Chandler Moulton's other poems:
  1. My Birthday
  2. A Summer's Growth
  3. Love Is Dead
  4. Hic Jacet
  5. After Death

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