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Walt Whitman (Уолт Уитмен)

Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 49. You Lingering Sparse Leaves of Me

You lingering sparse leaves of me on winter-nearing boughs,
And I some well-shorn tree of field or orchard-row;
You tokens diminute and lorn—(not now the flush of May, or July
      clover-bloom—no grain of August now;)
You pallid banner-staves—you pennants valueless—you overstay'd of time,
Yet my soul-dearest leaves confirming all the rest,
The faithfulest—hardiest—last.

Walt Whitman's other poems:
  1. Leaves of Grass. 33. Songs of Parting. 15. These Carols
  2. Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 13. America
  3. Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 37. The Calming Thought of All
  4. Leaves of Grass. 20. By the Roadside. 28. Offerings
  5. Leaves of Grass. 24. Autumn Rivulets. 30. The Torch

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