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Thomas Gent (Томас Гент)

On a Delightful Drawing in my Album

By my friend, T. WOODWARD, ESQ., of a Group, consisting of a
Donkey, a Boy, and a Dog.

Welcome, my pretty Neddy—welcome too
Thy merry Rider with his apron blue;
And thou, poor Dog, most patient thing of all,
Begging for morsels that may never fall!
Oh! 'tis a faithful group—and it might shame
Painters of bold pretence, and greater name—
To see how nature triumphs, and how rare
Such matchless proofs of Nature's triumphs are—
The smallest particle of sand may tell
With what rich ore Pactolus' tide may swell:
And Woodward! this ingenious, chaste design,
Proclaims what treasures lie within the mine—
Pupil of Cooper—Nature's favorite son—
Whom, but to name, and to admire, is one!

Thomas Gent's other poems:
  1. The Recall of the Hero
  2. Sonnet On seeing a Young Lady I had previously known, confined in a Madhouse
  3. The Sibyl
  4. Invocation to Sleep
  5. Written in the Album of the Lady of Counsellor D. Pollock

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