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Louise Imogen Guiney (Луиза Имоджен Гвини)

April in Govilon

Slowly, slowly darken
Primrose and pimpernel;
Heather of the rock, a-shake
On delicious air;
Slanted seas of spreading grass,
(Green glow and tidal swell,)
Under wind and pausing light how variably fair!

Larks from heaven descending
Hush; not a cloud-shadow,
Where so late the romping lambs
Chased it, in a ring;
High along a little wood
Quick rain-sparkles go;
Blorenge walls the faëry world: the sole substantial thing.

April in Govilon,
Filled with a bright heart-break;
Evenfall on dying wing,
Swanlike and supreme!
Soon, unheard, the Hyades
Run up the hills to take
Seven lamps, and trail the seven all night in Isca stream.

Louise Imogen Guiney's other poems:
  1. The Chantry
  2. A Friend’s Song for Simoisius
  3. The Old Dial of Corpus
  4. Ad Antiquarium
  5. Martyrs’ Memorial

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