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Hamlin Garland (Гэмлин Гарленд)

A Tribute of Grasses

                                  To W. W.

  SERENE, vast head, with silver cloud of hair
Lined on the purple dusk of death,
A stern medallion, velvet set—
Old Norseman, throned, not chained upon thy chair,
Thy grasp of hand, thy hearty breath 
    Of welcome thrills me yet
    As when I faced thee there!

Loving my plain as thou thy sea,
Facing the East as thou the West,
I bring a handful of grass to thee,— 
The prairie grasses I know the best;
Type of the wealth and width of the plain,
Strong of the strength of the wind and sleet,
Fragrant with sunlight and cool with rain,
I bring it and lay it low at thy feet,
    Here by the eastern sea.

Hamlin Garland's other poems:
  1. In August
  2. The Herald Crane
  3. On the Mississippi
  4. The Ute Lover
  5. Boyish Sleep

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