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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Hamlin Garland (Гэмлин Гарленд)


Within my hand I hold
A piece of lichen-spotted stone—
Each fleck red-gold—
And with closed eyes I hear the moan
Of solemn winds round naked crags
Of Colorado's mountains. The snow
Lies deep about me. Gray and old
Hags of cedars, gaunt and bare,
With streaming, tangled hair,
Snarl endlessly. White-winged and proud,
With stately step and queenly air,
A glittering, cool and silent cloud
    Upon me sails.
    The wind wails,
And from the canon stern and steep
I hear the furious waters leap.

Hamlin Garland's other poems:
  1. In August
  2. The Herald Crane
  3. On the Mississippi
  4. The Ute Lover
  5. Boyish Sleep

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Edith Nesbit (Эдит Несбит) Magic ("WHAT was the spell she wove for me?")

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