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Rupert Chawner Brooke (Руперт Брук)


Stars that seem so close and bright,
Watched by lovers through the night,
Swim in emptiness, men say,
Many a mile and year away.

And yonder star that burns so white,
May have died to dust and night
Ten, maybe, or fifteen year,
Before it shines upon my dear.

Oh! often among men below,
Heart cries out to heart, I know,
And one is dust a many years,
Child, before the other hears.

Heart from heart is all as far,
Fafaia, as start from star.

Saanapu, November 1913

Rupert Chawner Brooke's other poems:
  1. The Song of the Beasts
  2. The Great Lover
  3. The Funeral of Youth: Threnody
  4. The Jolly Company
  5. Song (All suddenly the wind comes soft)

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