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Stephen Crane (Стивен Крейн)

* * *

And you love me

I love you.

You are, then, cold coward.

Aye; but, beloved,
When I strive to come to you,
Man's opinions, a thousand thickets,
My interwoven existence,
My life,
Caught in the stubble of the world
Like a tender veil --
This stays me.
No strange move can I make
Without noise of tearing
I dare not.

If love loves,
There is no world
Nor word.
All is lost
Save thought of love
And place to dream.
You love me?

I love you.

You are, then, cold coward.

Aye; but, beloved -- 

Stephen Crane's other poems:
  1. If there is a witness to my little life
  2. To the maiden
  3. There was, before me
  4. Two or three angels
  5. Walking in the sky

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