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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Stephen Crane (Стивен Крейн)

* * *

I explain the silvered passing of a ship at night,
The sweep of each sad lost wave,
The dwindling boom of the steel thing’s striving,
The little cry of a man to a man,
A shadow falling across the greyer night,
And the sinking of the small star;
Then the waste, the far waste of waters,
And the soft lashing of black waves
For long and in loneliness.

Remember, thou, O ship of love,
Thou leavest a far waste of waters,
And the soft lashing of black waves
For long and in loneliness.

Stephen Crane's other poems:
  1. If there is a witness to my little life
  2. To the maiden
  3. There was, before me
  4. Two or three angels
  5. Walking in the sky

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