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Henry Livingston (Генри Ливингстон)

To the Memory of Henry Welles Livingston

A gentle spirit now above
Once animated what lies here
Till heav’n announc’d in tenderest love
”Ascend Immortal to yon sphere.”

The lambkin at the great behest
Gave up its life without one groan;
When lo! In robes supernal drest
He found the bright abodes his own!

Most glorious and delightful scenes
Rush’d full upon his raptur’d sense;
Beyond what fancy ever dreams,
Or Eden knew in innocence.

Adieu! Adieu! My sweest boy,
Adieu till life’s vain dream be o’er;
Then with a parent’s keenest joy
I’ll cling to Thee to part no more.

Henry Livingston's other poems:
  1. Acknowledgement
  2. Epithalamium: A Marriage Poem
  3. The IX Ode to Horace
  4. Letter Sent to Master Timmy Dwight
  5. 1819 New Year’s Carrier’s Address

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