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Claude McKay (Клод Маккей)

Rest in Peace

No more for you the city’s thorny ways, 
The ugly corners of the Negro belt; 
The miseries and pains of these harsh days 
By you will never, never again be felt. 

No more, if still you wander, will you meet 
With nights of unabating bitterness; 
They cannot reach you in your safe retreat, 
The city’s hate, the city’s prejudice! 

’Twas sudden--but your menial task is done, 
The dawn now breaks on you, the dark is over, 
The sea is crossed, the longed-for port is won; 
Farewell, oh, fare you well! my friend and lover.

Claude McKay's other poems:
  1. A Red Flower
  2. Memorial
  3. O Word I Love to Sing
  4. The Spanish Needle
  5. Outcast

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