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Edgar Lee Masters (Эдгар Ли Мастерс)

Cooney Potter

I inherited forty acres from my Father
And, by working my wife, my two sons and two daughters
From dawn to dusk, I acquired
A thousand acres. But not content,
Wishing to own two thousand acres,
I bustled through the years with axe and plow,
Toiling, denying myself, my wife, my sons, my daughters.
Squire Higbee wrongs me to say
That I died from smoking Red Eagle cigars.
Eating hot pie and gulping coffee
During the scorching hours of harvest time
Brought me here ere I had reached my sixtieth year.

Edgar Lee Masters's other poems:
  1. Nellie Clark
  2. Father Malloy
  3. Flossie Cabanis
  4. The Spooniad
  5. Josiah Tompkins

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