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James Joyce (Джеймс Джойс)

Chamber Music. 20. In the Dark Pine-Wood

In the dark pine-wood
    I would we lay,
In deep cool shadow
    At noon of day.

How sweet to lie there,
    Sweet to kiss,
Where the great pine-forest
    Enaisled is!

Thy kiss descending
    Sweeter were
With a soft tumult
    Of thy hair.

O, unto the pine-wood
    At noon of day
Come with me now,
    Sweet love, away.

James Joyce's other poems:
  1. Chamber Music. 27. Though I Thy Mithridates Were
  2. Chamber Music. 14. My Dove, My Beautiful One
  3. Chamber Music. 31. O, It Was Out by Donnycarney
  4. Chamber Music. 23. This Heart That Flutters Near My Heart
  5. Tutto

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