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Anna Laetitia Barbauld (Анна-Летиция Барбо)

On a Lady's Writing

HER even lines her steady temper show;
Neat as her dress, and polish'd as her brow;
Strong as her judgment, easy as her air;
Correct though free, and regular though fair:
And the same graces o'er her pen preside
That form her manners and her footsteps guide. 

Anna Laetitia Barbauld's other poems:
  1. To a Lady, with painted Flowers
  2. Song 3 (LEAVE me, simple shepherd, leave me)
  3. To Miss R—, on her Attendance upon her Mother at Buxton
  4. To Mr. [S.T.] C[oleridge]
  5. On the Death of Mrs. Jennings

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