Thomas Urquhart (Томас Эркарт)
Epigrams. The First Booke. № 25. Vertue, and goodnesse are very much opposed by the selfe-conceit, that many men have of their owne sufficiencie
THer's nothing hinders vertue more, then the
Opinion of our owne perfection;
For none endeavours to doe that, which hee
Imagineth he hath already done:
And some by thinking t'have what they have not,
Neglect the wisedome, which they might have got.
Thomas Urquhart's other poems:- Epigrams. The Third Booke. № 22. A Counsell to be provident, and circumspect in all our actions, without either cowardise, or temeritie
- Epigrams. The First Booke. № 30. That wise men, to speak properly, are the most powerfull men in the world
- Epigrams. The Third Booke. № 17. VVhy we must all dye
- Epigrams. The First Booke. № 39. When a true friend may be best knowne
- Epigrams. The Second Booke. № 29. A truely liberall man never bestoweth his gifts, in hope of recompence
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