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Anne Hunter (Энн Хантер)

A Mermaid’s Song

NOW the dancing sunbeams play
On the green and glassy sea;
Come, and I will lead the way,
Where the pearly treasures be.
Come with me, and we will go
Where the rocks of coral grow;
Follow, follow, follow me.
Come, behold what treasures lie
Deep below the rolling waves,
Riches hid from human eye
Dimly shine in ocean's caves;
Stormy winds are far away,
Ebbing tides brook no delay;
Follow, follow, follow me.

Anne Hunter's other poems:
  1. Lelia, or, The Maniac's Song
  2. November, 1784
  3. Song 11. THE anguish of my bursting heart
  4. Laura
  5. To the Memory of a Lovely Infant, Written Seven Years after His Death

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