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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

John Townsend Trowbridge (Джон Таунсенд Троубридж)


WEARY with pondering many a weighty theme,
I slept; and in the realm of vision saw
A mighty Angel reverently updraw
The cords of earth, all woven of gloom and gleam,
Wiles, woes, and many a silver-threaded stream
Of sighs and prayers, and golden bands of law,
And ties of faith and love, with many a flaw
Riven, but reunited in my dream.
These the great Angel, gathering, lifted high,
Like mingled lines of rain and radiance, all
In one bright, awful braid divinely blended,
That reached the beams of heaven,—a chain whereby
This dimly glorious, shadow-brooding ball
And home of man hung wondrously suspended.

John Townsend Trowbridge's other poems:
  1. The Tragedy Queen
  2. The Boy I Love
  3. Dorothy in the Garret
  4. An Idyl of Harvest Time
  5. Old Man Gram

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • George Herbert (Джордж Герберт (Херберт)) Providence ("O Sacred Providence, who from end to end")

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