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Frederick Goddard Tuckerman (Фредерик Годдард Такерман)

Third Series. 10. Sometimes I walk where the deep water dips

Sometimes I walk where the deep water dips
Against the land. Or on where fancy drives
I walk and muse aloud, like one who strives
To tell his half-shaped thought with stumbling lips,
And view the ocean sea, the ocean ships,
With joyless heart: still but myself I find
And restless phantoms of my restless mind:
Only the moaning of my wandering words,
Only the wailing of the wheeling plover,
And this high rock beneath whose base the sea
Has wormed long caverns, like my tears in me:
And hard like this I stand, and beaten and blind,
This desolate rock with lichens rusted over,
Hoar with salt-sleet and chalkings of the birds.

Frederick Goddard Tuckerman's other poems:
  1. First Series. 7. Dank fens of cedar, hemlock branches gray
  2. First Series. 6. Not sometimes, but to him that heeds the whole
  3. First Series. 27. So to the mind long brooding but on it
  4. Second Series. 7. His heart was in his garden; but his brain
  5. Third Series. 4. Thin little leaves of wood fern, ribbed and toothed

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