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Thomas Hardy (Томас Гарди (Харди))

On the Tune Called the Old-Hundred-and-Fourth

We never sang together
Ravenscroft’s terse old tune
On Sundays or on weekdays,
In sharp or summer weather,
At night-time or at noon.

Why did we never sing it,
Why never so incline
On Sundays or on weekdays,
Even when soft wafts would wing it
From your far floor to mine?

Shall we that tune, then, never
Stand voicing side by side
On Sundays or on weekdays?.. 
Or shall we, when for ever
In Sheol we abide,

Sing it in desolation,
As we might long have done
On Sundays or on weekdays
With love and exultation
Before our sands had run?

Thomas Hardy's other poems:
  1. The Collector Cleans His Picture
  2. Song from Heine
  3. The Rejected Member’s Wife
  4. To Carrey Clavel
  5. Not Known

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