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Menella Bute Smedley (Менелла Бьют Смедли)

A Remembrance

Other thoughts have parted me
From thy tender memory;
Spaces like a cloudy sea
Lie between mine eyes and thee.
Buried sunsets heave and glow
Where I would but must not go;
Purple storm and golden veil
Make the lovely distance pale.
O! I want, across the cloud,
Once to hear thee speak aloud;
Not with those faint tones that seem
Like a summons in a dream;
Not with those faint tones that fleet
Daily by me in the street,
Ceasing but to sound again,
While I turn my head in vain.
One vast moment, to content
Hunger of my banishment;
One strong clasp, and then I know
I could bear to let thee go!

Menella Bute Smedley's other poems:
  1. The Shadow from the Valley
  2. Jack and Ned
  3. In the Night
  4. Wishes
  5. The Brethren of Port Royal

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Bliss Carman (Блисс Кармен) A Remembrance ("Here in lovely New England")
  • Henry Alford (Генри Элфорд) A Remembrance ("Methinks I can remember, when a shade")

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