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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

John Bannister Tabb (Джон Банистер Табб)


LITTLE masters, hat in hand
Let me in your presence stand,
Till your silence solve for me
This your threefold mystery.

Tell me--for I long to know--
How, in darkness there below,
Was your fairy fabric spun,
Spread and fashioned, three in one.

Did your gossips gold and blue,
Sky and Sunshine, choose for you,
Ere your triple forms were seen,
Suited liveries of green?

Can ye,--if ye dwelt indeed
Captives of a prison seed,--
Like the Genie, once again,
Get you back into the grain?

Little masters, may I stand
In your presence, hat in hand
Waiting till you solve for me
This your threefold mystery?

John Bannister Tabb's other poems:
  1. The Bobolink
  2. The Pleiads
  3. The Baby's Star
  4. A Little Child's Prayers
  5. Deflowered

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Sidney Lanier (Сидни Ланьер) Clover ("Inscribed to the Memory of John Keats")

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